
How Bad is a Hookah For You? Are Hookah Pipes More Dangerous Than Cigarettes?

 How Bad is a Hookah For You? Are Hookah Pipes More Dangerous Than Cigarettes?   Entertainment It's rumored today that smoking hookah pipes is safer than smoking cigarettes. But nothing might be further from your truth. If you're utilizing a shisha or hookah pipe to smoke fruit-scented tobacco it's unsafe and also dangerous for your health. How bad is hookah for you personally? Newest research has shown that individuals who use hookah pipes are in fact absorbing a lot more deadly carbon monoxide than individuals who smoke cigarettes. You can even find cafes and bars called hookah bars or shisa bars which have recently cropped up and several young adults are flocking for them. But medical professionals are warning concerning the risks of smoking hookah pipes. The important points show there exists less nicotine within the smoke from the waterpipe than there exists in tobacco smoke however there exists MORE nicotine within the smoke by using a waterpipe in only one use over 3